


Available during all services, ages 4 months to 3 years.

You’re never too young for Oasis Church! Your infants and toddlers will be able to experience God’s love on their level.

Our nursery is a special place devoted to providing the smallest members with a loving and caring atmosphere. It is well-staffed and is equipped with a number pager system visible in the sanctuary.

Superkid Acadamy

Sunday morning children’s church for ages 4 – 12.

Superkid Academy children’s church meets every Sunday morning except on “Family Sunday” during service. This is a time where the children enjoy their own service. Praise and worship, skits, special visitors, and power packed lessons help teach and train them to become committed disciples of Christ.

SuperBook Academy

Wednesday evening class for grades pre-school to 6th.

Every Wednesday following the worship service, the children meet in their classroom for our Mid-Week SuperBook Academy. Lessons and crafts are only part of what they enjoy as they build a firm foundation of faith.

Family Sundays

The first Sunday of every month is “Family Sunday” at Oasis where all children except nursery age remain in the main sanctuary for the service so families can experience learning God’s Word together.