The Bug That Would Not Let Go September 11, 2024 Greg Behrend Anger, Bitterness, Faith, Jesus, Obedience, Peace, Pride, Salvation, Sin, The Word, Unforgiveness, Worry
Giver or Taker May 22, 2024 Greg Behrend Discouragement, Encouragement, Faith, Giving, Jesus, Love, Obedience, Sowing and Reaping, The Word, Tithing, Witnessing
Are We in the 1% or the 99%? June 14, 2023 Greg Behrend God's Will, Holy Spirit, Love, Prayer, Salvation, The Great Commission, Witnessing
Salt Anyone? September 7, 2022 Greg Behrend Disobedience, Distractions, Holiness, Jesus, Lifestyle, Rebellion, Righteousness, Sin, The Word
Rebellion or Obedience, We Choose May 18, 2022 Greg Behrend Obedience, Rebellion, The Great Commission, The Word
The Ministry of Availability July 7, 2021 Greg Behrend Fellowship, God's Will, Jesus, Obedience, The Great Commission, The Word