Being a Servant of Jesus

Being a Servant of Jesus

“Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God.”        ~   Romans 1:1…….           

Have you ever thought about what it means to be a servant?  Probably not.  Most people don’t think of themselves as servants.  They’d rather think of themselves being served.  No criticism intended, it’s just human nature.  However, Paul called himself a servant of Jesus Christ.

When we allow grace to work its full work in our lives we become servants.  The definition of a servant is pretty simple – “a servant serves others”.  His interest is not in advancing himself, but in advancing others.  The amazing thing is that when you have this attitude you get advanced yourself.  You can’t help but get advanced because it’s a biblical principle.

Being a servant of Jesus Christ means two things;  it means we serve Him and we do His will first and foremost, and it also means we serve other people.  That’s the heart of Jesus; He came to serve others, not to be served Himself.  This attitude got Him exalted and this same attitude will get you exalted also.  John G. Lake said, “In Christ we become God’s sons, man’s servants, and the devil’s masters.”