“Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the Blood of Jesus,….”
Hebrews 10:19……
Have you ever thought about how we enter the Holiest? We don’t physically go in there. I believe one of the ways we enter the Holiest is by our words. Our words of faith, our words of worship, and our words of prayer go into the Holiest where the presence of God dwells.
In the Holiest is the Blood of Jesus which ratified the New Covenant and also Jesus our High Priest is in there. The Blood is in there speaking on our behalf and so is Jesus our High Priest. When our words go in there and are in agreement with what the Blood is saying and what our High Priest is saying we have a three-fold cord and the blessings of the Covenant are released on our behalf.
That’s why it’s so important that what we speak, sing, and pray line up with what the Blood Covenant and our High Priest are saying. When our words line up blessing is getting ready to flow!