“And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of Host. And all the nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land.” ~ Malachi 3:11,12
God is very much interested in your finances. He wants to multiply and protect them. But He won’t be able to do so unless you open the door for Him to do it. How? Through tithing to your local church! When you tithe you give God the legal right to intervene in your financial affairs. You give Him the right to defend you against any financial destruction the devil might try to bring. Tithing causes you to lay a foundation for success and abundance. Tithing is an insurance plan against the devourer.
A friend of mine, when he was first beginning to walk with the Lord was having a problem with tithing off of his gross income. He decided he would tithe off of the net, even though the Word of God tells us to bring the first fruits of all our increase. He tithed off of the net for two weeks and each week his car had problems that cost him the same amount as the difference between tithing off of the gross and tithing off of the net. Needless to say, he learned a lesson — tithe off of the gross! Now, God didn’t tear his car up, it was the devourer.
Don’t wait until your back is up against the wall to start tithing. Begin now. Start developing your faith in the blessings God’s Word promises you as a tither. Learn to act on the Word when it comes to tithing. When satan tries to take advantage of you in the financial area, stand your ground and proclaim what is written. Be like Jesus when satan tempted Him in the wilderness… say, “it is written.” When you do this you’re going to come out on the other side with sweet victory!