“Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?”
Hebrews 1:14……..
Part of our inheritance as believers is the ministry of angels. Not only has God provided us forgiveness of sins, the new birth, the Holy Spirit, healing, but He has also made us inheritors of the ministry of angels. We can and should expect their help here in this natural domain. The angels are called ministering spirits in this verse in Hebrews. This word ministering can also be translated serving. So angels are serving spirits sent here to serve us.
You and I are not left alone to face this natural life all by ourselves. We don’t have to handle life’s obstacles with just natural power, we have the supernatural power of the angels to help us overcome anything that may come our way. From now on begin to expect supernatural help from angels whenever you face circumstances that are beyond your natural ability to handle.