“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” ~ Hebrews 11:1 ……..
Have you ever asked, “What is faith?” ? Here are nine things that faith is:
- Faith is for obtaining. It’s how we obtain things in the Kingdom of God.
- Faith is God’s answer to man’s problems. If you have a problem, faith is the answer.
- Faith is now. Never push faith off into the future. Faith believes it receives now.
- Faith is the substance of things. Our faith gives substance to the things we desire. It brings them to pass.
- Faith is the title-deed. It’s all the evidence we need to believe that the things we desire are ours.
- Faith is of the heart, not the head. Faith believes regardless of what it sees.
- Faith is agreeing with God. It’s saying amen to what He has already said.
- Faith is a law. It works every time it’s put to work.
- Faith is not foolishness or presumption. It comes by hearing what God says and only by hearing what He says. It’s not just based on what we want, but on what He has already promised.
So now that you know more about faith, purpose to work on your faith every day. Scripture tells us that “the just shall live by faith.” (Hebrews 10:38)