“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”
Luke 2:11……..
Merry Christmas! Who would have thought that just saying that would be controversial? The world (actually it’s the devil) would love to take the Christ out of Christmas. Even though the world, and even many in the Church don’t know what Christ means, the devil does! The word Christ actually means “The Anointed One”. It comes from the Greek word Christos and translates in the Hebrew as Mashiyach or Messiah.
Christ is not Jesus’ last name, it is His title. He is God’s “Anointed One”. Which is exactly why satan can’t stand us saying “Merry Christmas”. He’d rather we tone that down and say “Happy Holidays”. This is why he is doing his best to get the world to stop saying it. Every time they say it they are saying “The Anointed One”. Make no mistake, he knows Who The Anointed One is because The Anointed One stripped him of his power. Every time we say “Merry Christmas” he’s reminded of his defeat. He knows there is only one Anointed One Who defeated death, hell, and the grave…… JESUS ! And to that I say MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!